TRANSPORTATION AND DISTRIBUTIONIn transportation and distribution you can find all our delivery services with guaranteed service according to your needs.
VALIJASIn Dynamic Valijas you can find all our transportation services that have suitcases.
LOGISTICSDynamic has several services in logistics, we provide services in integral logistics as well as conventional logistics.
STORAGEAt Dynamic we provide warehousing services designed for companies that need added value.
Delivery service of the shipment during the day after pick-up and before 7:00 pm.
Delivery service of the shipment during the day after pick-up and before 13:00 hours.
It is an additional service that can be contracted during the imposition of the postal bureaufax or in the following 10 years after such imposition.
Alerts are generated for changes in the status of the postal bureaufax and sent to the sender, if desired, by e-mail.
Delivery service throughout the national territory.
Delivery of the shipment within 48/96 hours, depending on the service contracted.